
The Homeschool Resource Center

The Homeschool Resource Center provides individualized educational assistance to families who are concerned about their children’s education. We help families from a wide-range of backgrounds identify and understand their children’s needs. We work along side them (and their teachers, therapists, and schools) to develop, implement, and evaluate individually-tailored educational plans to address their children’s specific strengths and challenges. We provide parents with the knowledge, tools, and resources to provide the best education for their children based on individual strengths and weaknesses and the needs and resources of their family and community.  This path is different for each child. As such, our families utilize a wide range of education models and programs, including public, private, charter, and homeschool, magnet, Lyceum and IB programs, and individualized tutoring and therapies.

We provide consultations, workshops, tutoring, classes, literacy and homeschool evaluations.  We offer professional guidance in areas related to teaching and learning, evaluation and assessment, literacy, dyslexia intervention, and special education policy and practice.

We help families sort through tedious details and determine the most meaningful path for their children.  As one family coined it, we provide “education therapy.”  If you are faced with important decisions regarding your child’s education, we can help! Contact us today at homeschoolgainesvile@gmail.com.

Meet our Director

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